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Rubber wheel stops are an alternative to concrete wheel stops that are easier to install, do not crack or chip, and are less damaging to cars. Rubber wheel stops are a more durable, reliable, and longer lasting product that helps vehicles to stop at the proper parking location.

Yellow rubber wheel stop
Rubber Wheel Stops - 72
Rubber Wheel Stops - 72
Rubber Wheel Stops - 72
Rubber Wheel Stops - 72
Rubber Wheel Stops - 72
Rubber Wheel Stops - 72
Rubber Wheel Stops - 72
Rubber Wheel Stops - 72
Rubber Wheel Stops - 72
Yellow rubber wheel stop
Rubber Wheel Stops - 72
Rubber Wheel Stops - 72
Rubber Wheel Stops - 72
Rubber Wheel Stops - 72
Rubber Wheel Stops - 72
Rubber Wheel Stops - 72
Rubber Wheel Stops - 72
Rubber Wheel Stops - 72
Rubber Wheel Stops - 72

Rubber Wheel Stops - 72" L x 6" W x 4" H


What is the difference between Concrete vs. Rubber Wheel Stops?

The difference between rubber wheel stops and concrete wheel stops is that rubber stops are much more durable, easier to install, longer lasting and less damaging to cars. They do not require heavy lift equipment to install and are more cost effective in the long term due to the lack of cracking/maintenance issues.

Do these wheel stops work for garages?

Yes, Rubber wheel stops work can work for parking lots, parking garages, factories and warehouses. They can be used as a car stop, a curb, or a bumper cushion inside a factory or warehouse. They help provide proper parking delineating spots and vehicle distancing.

How do you install Rubber Wheel Stops?

Rubber wheel stops can be installed on either asphalt or concrete. For concrete/asphalt, you would drill holes through the product’s holes and use lag bolts to secure in the wheel stop. Another option for asphalt is that you could drill holes through the product’s holes and drive rebar spikes through the product.

Rubber Wheel Stop for parking lots and garages Rubber Form Brand


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Shipping estimates shown on the map pertain to this specific product only. Orders typically ship within 1-2 business days if the order is placed before 12:00 noon EST. Transit times displayed in the map are listed in business days, and are approximate. The day that the order is shipped is not counted as a transit day.


What You Should Know About Road Safety Parking Lots & Parking Lots Rubber Wheel Stops

RubberForm® Parking Lot Wheel Stops, Parking Curbs, or Car Stops will help vehicles stop at the right location when parking. Wheel stops will prevent damage to buildings, curbs, landscapes, and sidewalks. RubberForm wheel stops are excellent choices for bumper cushions to protect motorized carts, forklifts, and other vehicles operating inside factories and warehouses. They are excellent alternatives for specifying parking spots for correct distances between vehicles, parking garages, parking lots, and communities.

RubberForms are 100% recycled rubber wheel stops that are durable, long-lasting, and reliable. These rubber wheels are the perfect alternative to concrete stops, cost a great deal less to install, and do not require heavy lift equipment. Research has shown that over a period of 10 years, concrete stops will cost six times more than recycled rubber wheels. In that period of time, concrete stops will suffer from cracking and other costly maintenance issues.

RubberForm Features & Specs:

• High quality, 100% recycled rubber.
• Perfect for permanent or temporary installations.
• Very flexible to conform to any concrete or asphalt surface.
• Provides excellent resistance from extreme temperatures, UV light, oils, damage, and moisture.
• Will not crack, chip, rust, crumble, or erode in any weather conditions.
• Easy maintenance, easy installation, and easy to move by one person.

• Come with a limited lifetime warranty from manufacturer's defects.
• U.S Patent #D625677v
• Are Made in America
• Have Five mooring holes for large bolts or rebar.

• Weigh 35 lbs
• Measures 4” H x 6” W x 72” L
• 8 large polygon stripes constructed from recycled plastic.

Reasons You Should Choose Rubber Wheel Stops Instead Of Concrete:

Wheel stops are installed in most large and small parking lots to help vehicles come to a halt and protect buildings, curbs, sidewalks, and landscape from damage. These products are known as wheel stops as well as car stops, parking curbs, parking bumpers, parking blocks, and many other names. Before recycled rubber wheel stops were on the scene, concrete was the chosen product and material. Since then, they have been replaced with materials that are more durable, and are environmentally friendly including recycled Rubber Wheel Stops.

For placing concrete wheel stops in the right position, the most recommended process has always been using a forklift, Bobcat, or a front loader. Installation usually required 2 or more people to move them into their permanent location. RubberForm Wheel Stops only weigh 38 lbs and can be easily unloaded, placed, and installed by only one person. Should a Rubber Wheel Stop slip and fall off the pallet, it will not crack, chip, break or injure the person moving it. The same cannot be said about concrete.

RubberForm Wheel Stops are made from 100% consumer recycled scrap tire rubber, preventing 4 tires from ending up in a landfill or on a stockpile. Concrete, on the other hand, is not recyclable and more prone to damage. If concrete becomes damaged, it must be replaced and thrown out while RubberForm wheel stops are made from used tires from consumers' cars and offer a product lifetime warranty. They offer more visibility because they are molded in plastic, colored polygons. Our RubberForm wheel stops will never break or crack if they are hit by a vehicle.

Have You Ever Wondered Where Your Used Tires End Up?

Due to improved technology, today's tires are on the road for a much longer period of time than in the past. That said, the increase of cars on the road has increased enormously along with the number of miles driven yearly.

A report published by the Rubber Manufacturers Association revealed that one scrap tire is tossed by every adult person in the United States on a yearly basis. So, where do these tires end up after being tossed? The RMA analyzed scrap tire management in the United States. In 2007, they published a report finding that more scrap tires were consumed in end-use markets than any other time before. To be more accurate, that adds up to 89.3% and includes tire-derived fuel in which approximately 54% of scrap tires generated were burned for further use, which includes civil engineering, ground rubber applications, and smaller markets.

Other reports have shown that aside from all the recycling efforts, many scrape tier will still end up in landfills each year. By the end of 2007, approximately 594 thousand tons of scrap tires were in landfills in the United States. That number exceeds the 477 thousand tons that were in landfills in 2005. That shows an incredible increase in scrap tires in landfills in just barely 2 years.

By the end of 2007, it was estimated that approximately 128.36 million scrap tires were placed on stockpiles in the United States. Stockpiles are a huge problem and growing concern including a very unpleasant look. Rainwater is constantly trapped in these tires which leads to an enormous infestation of mosquitoes that transmit infectious diseases. Another major concern, many of these stockpiles catch on fire These fires can last for months on end, costing millions of dollars to put out, and, in many cases, people have to be evacuated from their neighborhoods. When these scrap tires are on fire, they cause significant environmental harm from toxic, soot fall-out, and the run-off of oil and water, poisoning everything around them. Burning tires also release many harmful irritants and potentially carcinogenic compounds into the atmosphere.

Many experts no longer believe “If a stockpile catches on fire” but “When will a stockpile catch on fire”!

There is a dire need for more and more manufacturers to use recyclable rubber in their products to cut back on deadly, dangerous landfills and stockpiles. The stats alone should give everyone more concern and incentive to purchase U.S products made from recycled products. Before you decide to purchase products at a lower price from off-shore manufacturers, think about the state you live in and ask yourself what you can do to help clean up our environment and make our country an even better place to live. We have an enormous problem with scrap tires being thrown in landfills and stockpiles. Rubber can be recycled at little cost and used for so many durable, long-lasting products such as our RubberForm Wheel Stops!